My Creative Mornings Talk
Exhilarated and exhausted is how I felt all day after delivering this Creative Mornings talk last month at Spotify HQ. Exhilarated to have shared my ideas and to receive such a warm welcome from a crowd that was much larger than expected. Exhilarated to have so many friends and former co-workers show up to support me. But exhausted because these talks really require that you give generously of yourself. Thinking and writing and practicing are hard and tiring, for sure. Being vulnerable in front of a room of strangers even more so.
Thanks to the entire Creative Mornings team for giving me this opportunity. Special thanks to my wife, Marc Maltz, Jane Praeger, and Marc Weitz for all their help in putting this talk together, and Bobby Jeffries for the beautiful slides. I learned a lot about public speaking and about myself. The best part? I can't wait to do it again.
My slides follow in the gallery below.